When you are preparing to build your own website, you will find two different options - one-page websites and multi-page websites. Let’s compare the pros and cons of these two options.
A one-page website is a sleek choice, it’s like holding a "business card", all the content is on one page. This option is suitable for companies that showcase a single product or service, or simply present company information. With only one page, the website loads quickly and is also easy to maintain.
A multi-page website, on the other hand, is a more complex choice, like a "catalog", it has multiple pages, each with different content. This option is suitable for companies that have multiple products or services and need to categorize them for display. Due to multiple pages, the website may load slower, but it will have a more professional feel.
In summary, the decision of which website type to adopt depends on your company’s needs. One-page websites are lightweight and sleek, while multi-page websites have a more professional feel.